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To Join.

Abronhill Bowling Club is always happy to accept new members.

All members, whether Senior, Lady, Gent or Student are full Members with equal Bowling and voting rights with the minimum age for full membership being 16 years of age.

Membership fees for Students are £50.00 at age 16 years grading up to the Full Membership fee of £155.00 at age 21 years.

Junior Members can join from age 8 years with a membership fee of £10.00 applicable and a full programme of coaching provided on a Monday and Friday by fully qualified SBA coaches.

To join, simply send an e-mail to the web address above and we will get back to you.














2021/2022 Club Constitution.

As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2021.


1. NAME:
The club shall be called the Abronhill Bowling Club, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’.

The main purposes of the Club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport of
Bowling in the Abronhill area of Cumbernauld.
The Club will conduct its Bowling activities in line with the Rules and Regulations of Bowls Scotland.

Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, employment status, social class or other beliefs.
Abronhill Bowling Club is fully committed to making bowls accessible to all and will uphold the principles of equity in all aspects of our work to ensure that all members, participants, volunteers, coaches or parents receive equitable treatment.

The Club may only refuse membership for good cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or Sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal may be made to the members.

Abronhill Bowling Club shall be an equal opportunities organisation and all Members, on payment of the Annual Subscription, shall be eligible to stand for election to the Management Committee and vote at General Meetings.

The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All surplus income or profits will be reinvested in the Club.
No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
The heritable property leased or belonging to the club shall be vested or leased, in the names of the President, the
Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the club for the time being, and their respective successors in office and the survivors of them and the heir of the last survivor as trustees for the club on behalf of the club and members thereof present and future. No conveyances, standard securities, leases, or other deeds affecting the club’s heritable property shall be granted by the said trustees except as may be authorised and directed by the members in general meeting. The property effects and monies of the club shall belong equally to the members of the club during membership, but the right and interest of each member shall be personal and limited to them, and shall expire with their membership and shall not be capable of assignment or arrestment, nor pass to their heirs or executors.
No Member of the Club or immediate family member of same shall receive payment as remuneration for regular employment within the Club. This does not include any one-off payments received for services rendered as agreed and sanctioned by the Management Committee at a full meeting.

The business and affairs of the Club shall be carried out by a Management Committee, duly elected at the A.G.M. of the Club by the members.
The Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary & Bar Convenor. These will form the seven Directors of the club.. These will form the seven Directors of the club. Wherever possible, the Club President and Vice President should be elected on an alternating Male/Female basis.
Also elected at the A.G.M. shall be five other Committee Members:
· House Steward.
· Assistant Match Secretary, who shall be of the opposite sex from the Match Secretary.
· Social Convenor.
. Immediate Past President.
· General Committee Member.”

Any vacancy in the committee occurring during the year shall be filled by co-option.


The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of the club’s financial transactions and these shall be audited at least once per year by a qualified independent auditor.

An Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held in the Clubhouse at 1.00pm on the second Sunday in November each year to elect office bearers for the ensuing season and to transact the business set out in the agenda, including the adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM and the acceptance of the balance sheet. Audited copies of the balance sheet, and the agenda for the meeting will be available to uplift from the clubhouse in the week preceding the meeting. Any member unable to uplift the agenda/balance sheet should apply in writing to the Secretary and copies will be posted by return. Any notices of motion to be raised at the AGM, must be given in writing to the secretary so as to reach him/her by 15th October, and must be proposed and seconded by at least two Members.
Special General meetings of the club may be called at any time by a majority of the Management committee. All General Meetings shall be chaired throughout by a Director of the Club or in his/her absence by a deputy duly agreed to by the majority of the members present.
On receipt by the President of a resolution demanding such a meeting, signed by at least fifteen members, and stating the nature of the business for which the meeting is requested. Such a meeting must be held within Fourteen days of the date when such a resolution was handed to the President. Seven days notice of the meeting must be given to all ordinary members. Any proposal must be proposed and seconded by at least two Members.


At all general meetings of the club, 30% of the membership shall form a quorum.

At all meetings the President shall have a casting vote.

The committee shall hold meetings at least once a month.
The President, or any two members of the management committee, shall at all times have the power to call a committee meeting at Seven days notice, or in exceptionally urgent situations on the spot. It should be noted however, that “on the spot ” meetings should only be held where urgent and unforeseen circumstances arise and require immediate resolution and in no circumstance should previous decisions of Full Committee be amended or rescinded. A Quorum for such a meeting will be five Directors.
Six members of the Management committee shall form a quorum.

13. FEES:
Members fees shall be reviewed annually at the annual general meeting of the club, and at all times, fees should be set at a level that do not pose a significant obstacle to membership or use of the Clubs facilities

Members wishing to resign from the club must do so in writing to the Secretary before the date of the AGM. Members failing to do so will be held liable for annual subscription, provided that they are reminded of this liability, in the circular calling the meeting.
The annual subscription shall be payable in advance, on or before the last day of March in each year. In the event of any member allowing his/her subscriptions to remain unpaid after the time allowed for payment, he/she may, at the discretion of the committee, after Eight days notice being given, be declared no longer a member but shall be liable for his/her fees for the year.
Any member who does not resign from the club by the AGM and who does not pay the membership fee by the last day of March shall be barred from entering the club premises for one calendar year.

The members of the Management committee shall have recourse to all members of the club, for relief from any obligation which they, as members of the committee may have made themselves liable for on behalf of the club.

Bowlers who are members of a team, and it’s officials and supporters, representing a bowling club, or bowling association, whose headquarters are situated out-with Abronhill, and who are to take part on a representative match at Abronhill Bowling Club, shall be deemed to be temporary members, without subscription, on a notice under the hand of the Secretary of the club being posted on the club’s notice board, giving the names of such bowlers and others described and the date. Such membership shall cease at the end of the visit.
The committee may also admit temporary members - persons whose permanent residence is out-with Cumbernauld, and who are visiting the district for holiday, business, or professional purposes. The weekly subscription for such temporary members, last described, shall be determined by the committee.
Temporary members shall be subject to the constitution and bye laws of the club, but shall have no voice in the management of the affairs of the club. Nor shall they have a vote, nor be permitted to introduce visitors or guests, and such a temporary membership may be terminated by the committee at any time, without stating a reason.

There shall be no discrimination against any person applying for membership on the grounds of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

18. BOWLS:
Each member of the club shall provide themselves at the first opportunity with a set of bowls, and shall not be at liberty to play with any other member’s bowls, without the permission of the owner.

The members present at the AGM of the club, may elect Honorary Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents, and Honorary members, either on account of their position in the district, or in recognition of past services to the club. Honorary members shall be liable to pay the full membership fee less the cost of that year’s Associate Membership fee as determined by the AGM. Any Honorary Members resigning as a playing member shall thereafter retain Associate Membership status, without a fee being levied for life. Honorary Members who have resigned as a playing member shall be eligible to play on the club’s opening and closing days as well as Past President’s days by invitation only. Except as so provided no other persons shall be allowed to become honorary members or to be relieved of payment of the regular entry fee, and/or subscription as described previously. Honorary Membership shall at all times be Subject to the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club.

All funds of the club shall be lodged in the bank, or building society, in the name of Abronhill Bowling Club. The account must have a minimum 3 signatories from the Management Committee, one of whom must be the Club Treasurer.
All withdrawals from the account in the Bank or Building Society, must be signed by the Club Treasurer, plus one other of the co-signatories.

No monies will be borrowed for the further development, or for any other purpose, without the approval of the majority of members at a General meeting of the club.
It must be clearly stated in the circular calling the meeting, that authority to borrow money will be used, together with an indication of the amount that is proposed to be borrowed.

Members will at all times be held responsible for the conduct of their visitors, and as such shall be liable to any disciplinary action for any misconduct of those visitors.

Bowls Scotland laws of the game shall be followed in all matches and competitions.

The Management Committee shall have the powers to make bye-laws from time to time, as it sees fit. Such bye-laws must be posted up in the club house, with 7 days notice Prior to its commencement.

At a meeting called specifically for that purpose the Club can be dissolved.
75% of all members must be present at the meeting & the vote to dissolve the Club must be carried by at least 75% of such members present.
If the winding up, or dissolution of the Club there remains, after satisfaction of all it’s debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the Club, but shall be given, or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the Sports governing body for use by them in related community sports. Such organisation, or organisations, to be determined by the members of the Club.


a) Excisable liquors shall only be brought into the Club premises, with the consent or by order of the committee.
b) No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor, unless on the invitation and in the company of a member.
c) No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied for consumption outside the premises of the Club. No member of the committee, or governing body, and no manager or servant employed by the Club, shall have a personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein, or the profits arising from such a sale.
d) The hours during which excisable liquor may be sold, supplied, or consumed, in the Club premises shall be at the discretion of the committee, and within the hours set by the licensing authority.
e) No excisable liquors shall be sold or supplied, to any persons under 18 years of age.
f) Subject to the discretion of the Committee, children and young adults under 18 Years of age may be allowed in the Bar/Lounge area during Bowling / Private Functions, but must at all times be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is over eighteen years of age.
g) Under licensing laws, fifteen minutes are allowed for ‘drinking up time’
h) Members and guests should be off the premises thirty minutes after permitted hours.
House Policy:
A House Policy will be in force, the contents of which will be decided by the Bar Convenor and Management Committee.

Members of the Club shall be allowed to introduce Non-Playing Guests to the Club at any time subject to the following:
a) The immediate family and friends of a member, by invitation of the Management Committee may be admitted as a temporary member without payment of a registration fee for the duration of a specified function within the Club.
b) Introduction of guests shall be limited to four. The same guest may not be entered more than six times in any year.
c) Not foregoing b) above, Each Member may introduce their spouse / partner to the Club on any occasion without limit.
d) A Member introducing a guest to the Club shall immediately upon the admission of such guest to the premises, enter the date, name and address of such guest in the book provided for that purpose, and sign each entry. A guest shall not be supplied with alcoholic liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation, and in the company of a Club Member.
e) Any visitor’s signed in by a member must leave when the member leaves.

a) Members are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner within the precincts of the Club, and when representing the Club outside at any visited Club or venue.
b) No member or guest the worse for liquor will be admitted.
c) Language or conduct, which causes or is likely to cause offence or upset to other members or guests present at the Club will not be tolerated.
d) Should a member or their guest fail to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner, the Management Committee will deal with the offending member, with power to suspend or expel immediately if necessary.
e) Any member who is suspended or expelled shall not be entitled to be a visitor or a guest in the Club and shall forfeit all his/her rights and privileges under these Rules. However any member so suspended shall remain liable to pay his/her subscription during this suspension. If in office or on the Management Committee, or sub- committees, he/she shall vacate his office forthwith.
f) Members are responsible for the conduct of any visitor introduced by them.
g) The Management Committee will be responsible for dealing with all reported cases of misconduct.
h) A verbal complaint should be made to the Duty Director or most senior committee member present at the time of any incident-taking place in the Club. If the complaint cannot be resolved at this time, then a formal complaint should be submitted to the Secretary, using the standard complaints form. In order to be valid, the complaint must be lodged with the Secretary within seven days of the alleged incident occurring.

Where a situation arises, either upon receipt by the Secretary of a letter or by verbal communication from the Duty Director, which indicates possible disciplinary action being appropriate, an investigation shall be carried out by a ‘Disciplinary Investigation Committee’ formed at the earliest opportunity following notification of the incident(s) involved. This committee will include 3 current office bearers and 2 other members of management committee (but not the President. During this investigation, statements will be taken from the member(s) involved and any witnesses to the incident(s) both in support of the complaint and in defence.
Upon completion of this investigation the committee so formed will make a decision, based on all the material facts presented to them, as to whether a Formal Disciplinary Hearing is to be instigated. In this case the member(s) should be advised , in writing, that such a hearing will take place and at a date and time, within 7 days of notification of such hearing, stated. Member(s) should be further advised that they may be accompanied, by another member for support, at said hearing.
If the investigation committee decide that the complaint is unfounded, or that no further action is to be taken, the member(s) raising the complaint will be advised, in writing, accordingly.
At the conclusion of the Disciplinary Hearing the committee will adjourn to consider it’s verdict and the member(s) advised that a written decision will be forwarded to them, giving 14 days, from receipt of decision, in which to appeal.
Any subsequent appeal can only take place in the following circumstances, where the Appellant(s) highlights new evidence, at the severity of the sentence or any other valid reason that must be stated in the letter of appeal. The Appeal Committee will consist of, the President, and 3 other members of the Management Committee, none of whom will have taken part in the original hearing. The Appeals Committee would not retry the original case but would only consider the new grounds for the appeal.
N.B. Where an incident has been deemed to be Gross Misconduct, such as theft or violence, and membership of the Club has been suspended or removed, an appeal can be made to the Members of the Club and a Special General Meeting will be called for members to determine the severity of the sentence.

On social evenings no member or visitor will be allowed into the premises, after the permitted number has been reached. The Duty Director shall be able to close the Bar Area to all members half an hour prior to the commencement of the function, for the purpose of preparation.

At all times, Bowling shall take precedence over Social functions.

(a) Alterations to the preceding rules can only be made at a duly constituted General Meeting of the Club. Written notice of the proposed alterations must be given to the Secretary four weeks prior to such a meeting. The Secretary must ensure that the proposed amendments are printed in full, in the circular calling the General Meeting.
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, there shall be no major change in the constitution of the club, without prior approval of North Lanarkshire Council, and the question as to whether any proposed change in the constitution is a major one shall be a matter for the sole discretion of North Lanarkshire Council.

(a) The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Constitution, Rules, By-Laws, including the disciplinary rules and the regulations made by it from time to time.
(b) Any matter not addressed by the Constitution, Rules and By-Laws shall be placed before the Management Committee for determination. Any decision made thereafter by the Management Committee shall be Final and Binding.

As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2019.


Over 55 Section:
An Over 55 Section will operate within the Club under the control of a Over 55 Committee consisting of Secretary, Match Secretary (who will be part of the Match Committee), and Treasurer, all of whom will be elected at a meeting prior to the commencement of the season, and open to all members eligible as an Over 55 Member.
Membership of the Over 55 Section will be open to Ladies or Gentleman over 55 years of age, before the opening day of the season, who are playing Members of the Club and paying the club membership fee.
The Over 55 Committee shall be responsible for organising and running all Over 55. competitions, both Internal and External to the Club.
A Mixed aggregate points game open to all members of the Over 55 Section will be held on each Monday afternoon throughout the Season. On these afternoons, Aggregate games will take priority over domestic games & Club ties. Thereafter, ties will be balloted from the rinks remaining with precedence being given to Rinks, Triples, Pairs and finally Singles ties in that order.
The Over 55 Section shall submit a report & financial statement to the Secretary 7 days prior to any Management Committee meeting. Should they wish to address the Management Committee on any matter they should submit this request at the same juncture, and this shall be taken as first business.

A Junior Section will operate within the Club under the control of a Junior Committee consisting of Recognised club coaches (one of which will act as Convenor, Secretary/Match Secretary (who will be part of the Match Committee), Treasurer and two junior members. A Junior Member is a male or female between the ages of 8 and 15 years of age, who is a playing member of the Club, paying the membership fee appropriate, and shall be able to participate in competitions for that age group. Junior Members have no Voting rights.
The Junior Committee shall be responsible for organising and running all Junior competitions, both Internal and External to the Club and for all coaching and Fundraising.
Junior Section Coaching and games will take place every Monday and Thursday throughout the season from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.
Subject to the discretion of the Committee, Junior Members are allowed in the Bar/Lounge area during Bowling functions, Coaching Sessions or while taking part in Club ties or Tournaments.
The Junior Section shall submit a report & financial statement to the Secretary 7 days prior to any Management Committee meeting. Should they wish to address the Management Committee on any matter they should submit this request at the same juncture and this shall be taken as first business.

Membership: All Past Presidents of any bowling club who are currently members of the Club and shall have a sub committee consisting of a Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary. The current President, who shall assume membership upon election at the Club AGM, shall present the report to the Management Committee.
Responsible for Past Presidents competitions and fundraising on behalf of the club/charity. These matches will be self sufficient in terms of catering etc.

Responsible for catering functions for the club.
Membership: Catering Convenor (appointed by the Management Committee), Team “A” Leader, Team “B” Leader, Team “C” Leader. Convenor will be responsible for the stocking and purchasing of goods for the purpose of all catering requirements and shall liaise with the General Committee and Match Secretary etc with regards to requirements and costs. Each Team Leader shall ingather a team of helpers and will ensure that any functions allocated to them are fully staffed as required. The Catering Convenor shall submit a report & financial statement to the Secretary 7 days prior to any Management Committee meeting.

Responsible for Social functions and Fund raising.
Membership: Convenor (member of the Management Committee) and two ordinary members (one of which shall be responsible for Benevolent).

Responsible for the Organisation and running of all match competitions (internal and external), all friendly matches and for the adherence to rules + playing management.
Membership: Convenor – Match Secretary, Assistant Match Secretary (members of the Management Committee), two Gent members, two Lady members, Junior Match Secretary and Senior Match Secretary. The match committee shall fill any vacancy occurring during the year by co-option.

Responsible for the upkeep and setting out of the greens (see by-law C-1) in conjunction with the greens contractor.
Membership: Greens Convenor (appointed by the Management Committee and reportable to the Club Treasurer), plus two other members of the Club, not members of the Management Committee.

Responsible for all aspects of maintenance/upkeep of the club out-with the greens (member of the Management Committee) and shall enlist any assistance required from members on an ad-hoc/project basis.

Club Treasurer (member of the Management Committee) shall be responsible for the club finances, ensuring budgets set are maintained, banking of funds and ensuring the club achieves “best value” from suppliers. They shall also be required to provide a full statement to the Management Committee at Every meeting.
Treasurer shall enlist any assistance required on an ad-hoc basis as required.

A Young Adult Member is a male or female between 16 and 21 who is a playing member of the club and paying the membership fee appropriate for that age group. Fees for young adults will be as the sliding scale below:
Age prior to 1st of April of new bowling season. Junior member for more than One year New applicant for Young Adult Membership
16 40% of full fee
17 50% of full fee
18 60% of full fee
19 70% of full fee
20 80% of full fee
Subject to the discretion of the Committee, Young Adult Members aged 16 to 18 years are allowed in the Bar/Lounge area during normal operating hours, but not during Social Functions. Introduction of guests shall be limited to two by any Young Adult member at any time. The same guest may not be entered more than six times in any year.
Young Adult Members have no Voting rights.

The club will accept Associate Members into the Club who will have restricted rights, the maximum number of whom will be decided at an A.G.M.
The immediate family and friends of an Associate member, by invitation of the Management Committee, may be admitted as a temporary member without payment of a registration fee for the duration of a specified function within the Club.
Introduction of guests shall be limited to two by any Associate member at any time. The same guest may not be entered more than six times in any year. Associate Members have no Voting rights.

As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2019.


  • 1. Unless otherwise provided for in the Club competition rules, all competitions shall be played under the laws of the game as adopted by Bowls Scotland.
    2. Members participating in competitions must acquaint themselves with the draw and closing dates of each round.
    3. The first named in all ties are the challengers and they must give their opponents the option of two dates and times for the playing of their ties. If this cannot readily be achieved by personal contact or telephone, then the challenge must be entered in the challenge book, giving Seven days clear notice of the first of the Two dates.
    4. Not-withstanding paragraph 3, if the second named knows of holidays, or other occurrences, likely to cause difficulties, they should contact the challenger in order to circumvent any foreseeable problems. If the challenger cannot be contacted the Match Secretary shall be advised in writing immediately the possibility of difficulty is appreciated.
    5. Once a date has been agreed for a tie, it must be entered in the Rink book, this is the responsibility of the Challenger. It should be noted that entry into the rink book is only an indication that the tie is to be played at that time, and does not guarantee a specific rink. Rinks will be balloted on the night by a member of the match committee, Duty director, or in their absence by the players themselves. Balloting shall be from the number of ties noted within the rink book + one. The purpose of balloting is to ensure that members do not have an advantage in choosing a rink, but should be done on the basis of giving players the best possible conditions upon which they play a Championship tie. For reasons of visiting Associations or weather, all entries in the Rink Book are subject to change by the Match Secretary.
    6. Should anyone arrive at the club to play a tie which is not entered in the rink book, this will be balloted After the ties in the rink book and shall also be done with the number of requests + one.
    7.If, upon ballot, a member finds that they have played on that rink the previous day or earlier the same day they should declare same to the other players, who can ask for a change of rink.
    No player who has a game arranged should practice or have a bounce game on the green on the day the game is arranged.
    8. An aggregate points night will be held on each Monday ( Gents ) & Tuesday ( Ladies ) Evening throughout the Season. On these evenings, Aggregate games will take priority over domestic games & Club ties. Thereafter, ties will be balloted from the rinks remaining with precedence being given to Rinks, Triples, Pairs and finally Singles ties in that order. The Ladies will have another opportunity to pley their aggregate points each Wednesday at 11.00am throughout the season. Only one game per week will be counted towards their aggregate points. priority on a the Wednesday session will be given to domestic games and club ties.
  • 9. From the second Monday in August, due to failing light, ties will be permitted to commence at 6.00pm.
    10. The Match Committee will be responsible for seeing that each member participating in the competition, adheres to the rules in each round or be eliminated.
    11. Any member playing ties during the afternoon, should be completed no later than 6.30pm Monday to Friday or 5.30pm Monday to Friday from the second Monday in August. If the tie is not complete before the times above then it can continue at a later time or date, as mutually agreed, providing that the tie is completed by the closing date of the particular round.
    12. The Format/Rules for Aggregate competitions will be determined by the Match Committee and will be displayed prior to Commencement
    13. The Match Secretary or a member of the Match Committee will act as umpire in the event of disputes In their absence the players may ask any member present, whom the players mutually agree upon, to determine a measure, but any dispute as the laws of the game must be referred to the Match Secretary in writing within 48 hours for a decision by the Match Committee.
    White shirt & Club tie or Club Polo shirt, grey/black flannels and white pullover, (if worn) for men.
    White blouse or Club Polo shirt, grey skirt or grey/black trousers, and white pullover, (if worn) for ladies.
    N.B. Teams must always be dressed the same. I.E. Shirt & Tie or Polo Shirt for Gents and White Blouses or Polo Shirts for Ladies, a mixture of both within the same team is not acceptable.
    15. To be eligible to enter and play in a Team Competition, Teams must be made up of a full complement of players: 4 for a Rinks, 3 for a Triples and 2 for a Pairs. These Nominated Members, on playing their first match will comprise the Team. Only in subsequent rounds of the competition should a Nominated player be unavailable for a Tie will a Substitute be balloted by the Match Committee and only after 48 hours notice. Substitutes will be balloted from players knocked out in their first game of the Competition and under no circumstances can a substitute play in the same round of a competition twice. The original player can resume in the next round, failing this the substitute will continue to play in the side until the end of the Competition, or until defeated. Only one substitute will be allowed during the competition. Substitutes can only play Lead or Second. No extensions will be given to closing dates in Team Competitions other than through family bereavement.
    16. In aggregate competitions teams of four will play whenever the number of players permits. When the number does not so permit, then as many teams of four as possible, will be made up, and the minimum number of triples or pairs will be allowed to facilitate the playing of the greater number of members. Where there is an odd number of players, a blank disc will be inserted into the draw, the player drawing same will not be permitted to take part in the competition on that occasion, but his/her name will be entered in the Blanks Book, and on each subsequent night of that competition that season, he/she will draw a disc, before any blank is added to the draw. The number of ends to be played on that night will be decided by the Match Secretary. Burnt ends to count.
    The starting times of all aggregate competitions is 7.00pm, unless at least one weeks notice appears on the notice
    board. All persons intending to compete in these games must take a disc from the board before 6.50pm, no one will
    be permitted to take a disc after the bell has been rung.
    Afternoon games start at 1.00pm, and again members may not be allowed to join games, if discs are not drawn
    before the ringing of the bell.
    18. Competitions will not be allowed more than 30minutes grace from the time specified in the Rink book for the commencement of the tie.
    Members who are also members of another outdoor bowling club, are expected to confine their play in all competitions, leading to presentation in Scottish, Regional or District competitions, to one club only. All members are of course, eligible to compete in all domestic competitions, i.e. those, the winning of which will not qualify them for Scottish, Regional, and District representation.
    20. Apart from ties, matches, and representative games, the normal weekly programme will be established by the
    Match Committee for the forthcoming season.
    21. Members inviting friends, who are not currently members of the Club to play in an Invitational competition, must
    seek permission from the Match committee
    22. NEW MEMBERS:
    Members will serve a probationary period of one season. This shall be at the discretion of the Management
    Members are expected to comply with the simple principles listed below to help maintain the sportsmanship and courtesy that characterises the game of bowls, and should characterise all bowlers representing Abronhill Bowling Club.
    Before a game
    § Check that you know the correct dress for the occasion, and wear it.
    § Make sure that you know the starting time of the game and be there in sufficient time to change your footwear and be on the green ready to start at the appointed time.
    § In a team game, be there in time to welcome your guests.
    During a game
    § Only enter and leave the green by the steps / ramp provided.
    § Do not drop bowls on the green.
    § Shake hands with your opponent before and after the game.
    § Do not sit on the steps or the banks.
    § Do not drop litter in the ditches, use the receptacles provided.
    § Stand still while your opponent is about to play.
    § Do not step over Bankings or leave Bowls etc lying on Bankings.
    § Do not infringe the laws of rink possession.
    § Wait until the result of the end has been decided before kicking away the bowls.
    § If you are responsible for keeping the score, compare your card with that of your opponent at regular intervals. If score boards are in use make sure they agree with your card and the card of your opponent.
    § Unless you have been delegated to decide the shots at the completion of an end, do not interfere in any way with this process.
    § If an umpire has been called, stay well clear of the head until a decision has been made.
    § If you have lost the game, remember to congratulate your opponent.
    § Never be heard to criticise the green or your opponent.
    § Acknowledge a "Fluke" and commend an opponent's good bowl.
    Spectating on a Game
    § Do not walk behind a head when a player is about to deliver a bowl from the other end.
    § Do keep quiet during periods of play.
    § Do restrict movement to outwith periods of play.
    24. No club competition will be allowed to carry forward into the forthcoming playing season without the agreement of the Club Match Secretary.

As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2019.


1. No Club games will be allowed on the Public Rinks, until all the Club rinks are full, or booked for ties.
2. If the Public Rinks are required for any event, written application must be made for same to the Community Services Department, at least two weeks prior to the event.
3. When over-spill games go onto the Public Rinks, One Rink, in addition to any other being used by the public, must be left free for any member of the public who may turn up for a game.
4. Members bringing non bowling club members to the club to play on the greens, must have obtained permission to take them on the Club Green on 24 hours notice from a member of the Management Committee or on the day from the duty director, otherwise members and friends will be required to pay, and go onto the Public Rinks, when they will have the same rights as any other member of the public.
5. No rinks may be booked beforehand on the Public Rinks.
6. Members of the public must wear recognised bowling shoes.
7. The charges for members of the public are as determined by North Lanarkshire Council, and includes the use of bowls. There is no reduction for anyone using their own bowls.
8. The bowls are provided for the use of the public, and club members may only use them, after members of the public have been kitted out.
9. Members of the public under the age of 12, will only be allowed on the green when accompanied by a responsible adult.
10. The Duty Director is responsible for ensuring that members of the public conduct themselves in a responsible manner. But he/she will have the assistance of all members of the committee present to do so.
11. Hours of opening of the Public Rinks are normally 1.00pm till dusk (9.00pm at latest). We have received permission to close between 4.30pm and 6.30pm from the Community Services Department.
12. The Green-keeper, Duty Director, or any member of the Management Committee, shall be empowered to stop any member, or members, of the public playing on the greens, if that person continues to cause damage to the greens after having received due warning.
13. If on occasion one green is closed for any reason by the green-keeper or Duty Director, that green shall be deemed to be the Public Green. On such occasion’s members of the public shall be permitted to use the Club Green, at the discretion of the Management Committee. Rough guidelines for the attendants in such circumstances are:
(a) At all times ensure by reference to the rink book, that sufficient rinks are left for booked ties during the ensuing hour.
(b) Members of the public should not be allowed on the green after 1.00pm on any day, until the afternoon games commencing at 2.00pm have been accommodated. Thereafter any unoccupied rinks may be utilised.
(c) Again, in the evenings, no member of the public should be allowed on to the Club Green until the 7.00pm games have taken to the greens, and sufficient rinks are left for any booked ties. Thereafter members of the public may be allowed on to unoccupied rinks.


As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2019.

1. The decision as to the greens being playable, and the setting out of the rinks, is that of the Green-keeper, the
Greens Convenor or his Committee, their decision being final. Only in their absence can any member of the
Management Committee decide. The green-keeper’s decision shall only be overturned by a meeting of the
Club’s Directors – two thirds of whom must be present.
The Club will undertake no responsibility for any article brought into or left on the green, or elsewhere on club
All members will be given a master key, which will give access during the playing season to the following:
Padlock on Access Gate from car parks to greens.
Front door to Clubhouse.
Gents/Ladies dressing rooms.
This gives members the facility to use the greens out-with normal opening hours. (subject to the Green-keepers or Duty Directors approval).
Examples: Monday to Friday from 11.00am – 1.00pm and between 4.30pm and 6.30pm.
Any lost or damaged keys must be reported to the Duty Director immediately.

As adopted @ Annual General Meeting of November, 2019.

1. All propositions, both in committee or at a General Meeting, shall have a formal proposer and seconder.
2. All debates, either in committee or at a General Meeting, shall be conducted through the Chair. Only those recognised by the Chair shall be eligible to contribute to the debate at any given time.
3. Any decision reached, either in committee or at a General Meeting, shall remain unaltered for a period of six calendar months, unless there is a suspension of standing orders. To achieve a suspension of standing orders a motion for same shall have a formal proposer and seconder. Thereafter a two-thirds majority must be achieved from those present at the meeting. If a two thirds majority is not achieved any decision previously taken shall remain in force until the six calendar months from the original decision was taken.
4. The proposer and seconder of any motion at either a committee meeting or General Meeting shall be permitted to talk to the proposal. The proposer shall also have the right to sum up the discussion as the final speaker of any such a debate.
5. The Chair shall have the right to propose the expulsion of any member, from any meeting, who is deemed to be behaving in an obstructive and offensive manner. This will then be put to a vote, of those eligible to do so, with a simple majority required to expel the said person from the meeting.
6. At all club meetings the Chair shall have both a deliberative and casting vote.
7. At an AGM no counter proposal can be made from the floor of the meeting. At the meeting, following any debate on a proposal, only three courses of action can occur a) Accept, b) Reject or c) Remit back to the committee for reconsideration/alteration to be brought back to a future General Meeting. (The remit back thus allowing the proposal to return to a General Meeting within the 6 months).
8. All nominations for General/Management Committee or Directors posts must be submitted to the Secretary, or at a General/Management Committee Meeting prior to the 15th October. Only posts with no nominee shall be determined at an AGM by proposals from the body of the hall. Any other post that has been duly nominated as above cannot be contended, without achieving a suspension of Standing Orders, which will require a 2/3rds majority.
9. The Management Committee shall be Chaired by the President or a Director appointed by the same. At all times the President shall retain both a deliberative and casting vote in the event of a tie during voting.























The Booler


Taylor Bowls

David Gourlay



GBA League


